Michel Nussbaumer
Director, Legal Transition Programme, EBRD
Michel works as Director of the EBRD Legal Transition Programme, providing it leadership, vision and long-term strategy. He is leading a team of lawyers working on legal policy dialogue and technical assistance in the countries of central and eastern Europe and North Africa, since the aim of the Programme is to mote an investor-friendly, transparent and predictable legal environment. Prior to this experience he served as Chief Counsel for Legal Transition and Knowledge Management for 12 years.
Prior to EBRD experience, Michel has practiced as a commercial lawyer in Geneva, Moscow and London. He graduated from the University of Fribourg, received his Master of Laws from the University of California at Berkeley and was a visiting scholar at Moscow State University.

Eliza Niewiadomska
Eliza works as Senior Counsel for EBRD for 12 years and has responsibility for regulatory advice on digital transformation of government commerce and leading technical cooperation activities under the EBRD UNCITRAL Public Procurement Reform Initiative.
Graduated from Law (Warsaw University) and holding Master’s degree from University College London and King´s College London, Eliza worked for Polish government during accession to EU on regulatory reforms and later in private sector as general counsel in IT industry and head of procurement at power energy company.

Caroline Nicholas
Senior Legal Officer and Head, Technical Assistance Section, UNCITRAL Secretariat
Caroline is a Law and Procurement Expert, currently in position of Head of Technical Assistance at UNCITRAL Secretariat. She has served as Secretary to the Working Group, which issued UNCITRAL Model law on Public Procurement in 2011 and she is providing legal and policy advice to national governments in all regions, together with another international organizations. She is also the UNCITRAL lead for the EBRD-UNCITRAL Initiative on Public Procurement, a technical assistance programme supporting reform in all EBRD countries.
Caroline graduated from University of Oxford and she teaches public procurement law and policy at various UK and EU universities. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Public Procurement Law Review and publishes widely on public procurement.

Samira Musayeva
Senior Legal Officer, UNCITRAL Secretariat
Samira serves as the Secretary of UNCITRAL Working Group V (Insolvency Law) and has been with the UNCITRAL secretariat since 2004 working in addition to insolvency law in the areas of security interests, electronic commerce, public procurement, public-private partnerships and negotiable transport documents.
She joined the United Nations in 2000 as an associate legal officer in the Codification Division of the UN Office of Legal Affairs, specializing in international public law issues and servicing the Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies.
Before joining the UN, Samira worked as an associate lawyer with Baker McKenzie, representing clients in privatization and concession projects in energy, telecommunication and construction sectors.

Evgeny Smirnov
Senior Adviser, Procurement Policy Department, EBRD
Evgeny is an associate director & policy advisor at the EBRD Procurement Policy and Advisory Department. After joining the Bank in 2000, he worked at the Infrastructure Business Group on numerous projects, being responsible for developing project delivery strategies, advising and assisting clients during projects implementation on the associated risk management issues, mostly in Balkan´s countries He coordinates the policy dialogue with the governments and provides advice to the Bank's clients across all sectors. He is a member of EBRD-UNICTRAL Taskforce, OECD/DAC MAPS Working group as well as OECD/ACN monitoring teams for selected countries.
Prior to joining EBRD, Evgeny worked at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs of Russia on large construction and irrigation projects and as procurement consultant on a number of World Bank funded projects.